Our values

We believe in win-win negotiations and relationships
Work EthicWe work to EARN the support of our suppliers and customers EVERY DAY!

Who we are

Glennon Enterprises is a full-service company that for over 20 years has been representing ag chem manufacturers (domestic and international) in the United States as an independent contractor providing sales, distribution, marketing, customer service, warehousing and logistics. The focus is primarily on specialty crops: berries, citrus, grapes, vegetables, tree fruit (apples, pears, cherries & peaches/nectarines) and tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans & pistachios). The company promotes and sells products via the primary channels of trade in the U.S. ag chem industry: major national and regional distributors and buying groups.

The company began in 2002 when Steve Glennon, a 23-year veteran of the U.S. ag chem industry, took stock of a rapidly changing industry. The pesticide markets were maturing; basic manufacturers were consolidating, generic chemical companies were proliferating and putting enormous pressure on margins and quality of earnings for basic manufacturers and formulators. To survive in this new environment, these manufacturers and formulators had to take a good, hard look at their costs and expenses – product cost, administration/overhead and the expense required to access and earn market share. In addition, Steve also recognized the many generic ag chem companies (domestic as well as international), who produced excellent quality post-patent products but had little to no knowledge of how to access the various markets.

As Product Manager, Business Director and later National Sales Manager for Griffin Corporation, Steve earned a national perspective in crops (specialty and row crops), markets (one-step vs two-step), the various competitors (strengths and weaknesses) and developing and nurturing  relationships with key customers and decision makers throughout the nation.

With his market knowledge, generic experience and customer relationships, Steve realized he was in a unique position to not only assist these companies in accessing the markets and meeting their sales objectives but also to meet a personal objective of his own – to go into business for himself. In 2002, the timing and circumstances were perfectly aligned to start Glennon Enterprises by offering companies an efficient, cost-effective alternative to the market by providing services as an independent contract manufacturer representative.

Since then, Glennon Enterprises has grown to annual sales in excess of $25 million. In order to facilitate the continuation of such growth, Steve’s son Tyler joined Glennon Enterprises in 2015. Previously, Tyler worked for Helena Agri-Enterprises in Arlington, Georgia until 2012 before moving to Fresno, California in 2013 to represent OrCal, Inc. Tyler’s primary objective was to establish relationships deeper within customers’ organizations by calling on distributor branch managers and their salesmen. By doing so, Steve & Tyler realized they were in a unique position to join forces. Tyler was not only able to put a face with a name for Glennon Enterprises at that level in the market, but also employ pull-through marketing tactics via meetings and education to create demand and earn customer support.

For over 20 years, the success of Glennon Enterprises has been an incredibly rewarding journey. Steve and Tyler are eternally grateful to both suppliers and customers for their outstanding support and valued friendship. It’s time to grow stronger together.

Steve Glennon
Steve GlennonOwner
Tyler Glennon
Tyler GlennonVice President

Members of the following Industry Support Associations
