Galaxy Sulfur - Rocket 90

Galaxy Sulfur’s partnership with Georgia Gulf provides a strong integration of existing sulfur assets and production with their long history of agricultural product marketing. All of Georgia Gulf Sulfur Inc.’s production facilities are ISO 9001/2015 certified and the agricultural product line is OMRI approved. For the correction of sulfur deficiencies, Rocket 90 Bentonite Sulfur is effective when placed as a soil application. To insure proper results, it is important to treat the sulfur deficiency before visual symptoms appear. Rocket 90 also improves soil characteristics when used as a soil conditioner. When mixed with the soil, it can improve water penetration, lower soil pH and increase nutrient availability. Rates of application will vary depending on the climate, soil type and method of application. Consult your State Agricultural Experiment Station or Extension Specialist for advice in selecting treatment from this label to best fit local conditions.

Rocket 90 is a high analysis premium quality dust free, granular sulfur-bentonite soil amendment. Application of Rocket 90 amends alkali and saline alkali soils and provides a source of plant nutrient sulfur.

Rocket 90 application can provide a season long source of sulfur. Small particles are converted for early plant availability while larger sulfur particles resist leaching and convert through-out the growing season. Rocket 90 can be applied alone or blended with granular fertilizers as a part of a balanced fertility program. Watering after application will aid in the dispersion of the sulfur granules. Early fall applications are preferred for lawn and gardens. Application amounts should be based on agronomic recommendations from soil tests, as well as, crop removal rates of sulfur.