BVA Spray Oils
BVA Spray Oils are a series of specially refined, paraffinic-type, petroleum-based oils effective as herbicides or pesticides in agricultural and horticultural crops. They are especially useful on citrus and other fruit crops and are especially helpful for controlling greasy spot, various types of scales, spider mites, whiteflies and loosening sooty mold.
BVA Spray Oils are highly refined oils made from select paraffinic stocks,for high UR values that meet all major industry specifications. In addition, BVA Spray Oils meet Florida specifications for distillation and exceed recommendations for gravity and pour point.
When applied in low concentration (0.5 %-1.5%), oil-in water emulsions; alone; or in combination with other active, chemical-type pesticides and herbicides.
Effective control of insect pests and plant diseases for reduced crop losses and increased yields.
Completely biodegradable. Paraffinic nature for personnel and animal safety. EPA approved.
Low aromatic content for little to no phytotoxic effect.
Why petroleum spray oils?
Agricultural and horticultural growers have used petroleum spray oils successfully for many years. They offer the advantages of low cost, easy application and effectiveness. When properly manufactured and applied, they are physiologically safe for crops and are effective for disease and insect control.
How do petroleum spray oils work?
Spray oils affect many insects by interfering with their metabolic functions. Thus, the oils effectively control insect development without risk of immunity to their effectiveness. In addition, they stay on plants after application to protect throughout the growth cycle.